
A Beginner's Guide to Growth Marketing Framework

Category : Growth Marketing Author : Team Amura Date Created: 15 Sep 2020

In today's competitive world, the most critical aspect of owning a flourishing business depends mainly on how much profit the business is making for you and at what rate or speed its growing or expanding its domain.

The profit that a company or a business makes depends on the growth rate, and thus it becomes relatively essential for companies to look for leverage towards new tactics, growth strategies.

For this purpose, most companies end up investing a great deal of time, money, and energy that are being expelled, but a narrow focus on growth may end up wasting this investment or resource.

The problem here is that there are a lot of missing segments in the entire process. Beyond acquisition of customers, there is also an entire lifecycle involved that many companies aren't leveraging for growth, and that's where Growth Marketing comes into the picture.

What is Growth Marketing?

Growth Marketing, also commonly termed growth hacking, is the process of developing and executing experiments and ideas designed to boost the growth of a company or a business quickly.

These experiments are developed and executed over a short period of time with their focus mainly or typically being projected on the total lifetime value of the customer, employing various tactics. These strategies are beneficial for all kinds of businesses and startups.

growth marketing framework
growth marketing framework

What is a Growth Marketing Framework?

Every plan or idea requires a proper strategy and plan. It acts as an essential supporting structure, as in the case of a building, vehicle, or an object. Likewise, Growth Marketing also requires the application of similar supporting structures, and these structures are what we call Growth Marketing Frameworks.

Also read: Growth Marketing Experiments: An Innovative Strategy for Better Growth

These frameworks provide a step by step of how a particular idea or strategy has to be executed. Having a proper framework leads to the smooth and proper execution or application of the ideas.

Beginners should play it safe and go for ideas that have less risk and comparatively higher returns.

Some of the factors that contribute and play a major role in building a sound and profitable Growth Marketing Framework for your business are listed below:

growth marketing framework
growth marketing framework
  • 1.

    Identifying Appropriate Channels:

Marketing ideas and strategies may involve several marketing channels. Depending on the offer that you are making and the type of your business model, industry, audience, and other factors, the performance of every channel may vary.

So, instead of spreading your budget and efforts across every channel to maximize acquisition among audience or customer segments, it is advised to identify the top three or four channels for maximum acquisition and engagement.

  • 2.

    Identify Your Weaknesses:

Before you take the plunge and start the entire process to stimulate the desired growth, you need to find out where the possible bottlenecks are in your strategy or, for that matter, in the entire framework that you have designed. This will help in avoiding customers to inhibit the growth of customer relationships.

  • 3.

    Prioritize and Plan:

Once you've successfully flagged your weaknesses in your strategies and customer life cycle, it's time to start thinking about turning those into opportunities.

At this point in time, it will be of no use trying to prioritize weaknesses by severity. In this phase, you should treat them equally, along with your other ideas.

  • 4.

    Prioritize Content Marketing:

Content marketing creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined category of audience and consumers. Using content marketing as a tool, Growth Marketing Framework helps in driving profitable customer actions.

  • 5.

    Use Social Media Platforms to Target and Retarget Customers:

Social Media Platforms are easily accessible and can become powerful channels and reliable tools in your growth marketing framework due to high brand exposure and a great return on investment. It can play a vital role in hacking for the growth of your business and consumer base.

  • 6.

    Execution, Testing, and Repeating:

For Startups, it is advised to prioritize and deploy ideas that are based on what will have the highest impact with the least amount of effort. This will help keep your costs down and work within your desired budget.

This high frequency of deployment among the list of ideas lets you deploy experiments to determine the repeatable process you want to continue to utilize.

  • 7.

    Ask for Feedback:

By asking for your customers to provide feedback, you're communicating that you value their opinion. You care about what they have to say about your business or product regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Your customers feel that they are important because you are treating them in such a way that they feel involved in shaping the business and your product.

Interesting: What Is A Growth Agency And How Do You Choose The Best One?

There are lots of ideas and strategies that come up now and then, which may seem like a better hacking tool for potential growth in your business, and the list may never end.

However, for beginners, it is always advised to play safe. By following the few ideas shared above, you may get the hang of creating a profitable Growth Marketing Framework for your business.

We follow a rigorous growth marketing framework that goes beyond the generic standards. To find out what Amura, as a growth marketing agency, can do for your brand, get in touch with us at

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Comments (29)

  Sylvia posted almost 4 years ago

Every company needs to have these vital tips on their fingertips. Their importance can't be overstated.

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  Storm posted almost 4 years ago

Any beginner would find these frameworks super helpful. I particularly like the point on planning and prioritizing.

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  Anderson posted almost 4 years ago

The guide is very detailed and well researched. I am so grateful to have found this write-up.

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  Shantel posted almost 4 years ago

"Having a proper framework leads to the smooth and proper execution or application of the ideas." I honestly couldn't have put it better myself.

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  Louis posted almost 4 years ago

It's worrying that most businesses don't invest enough in growth. I hope this trend gets to change.

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  Susan posted almost 4 years ago

Wonderful article, I must tell marketing is not my strong area but now that I really wanna start my own business I need to find helpful information like this post.

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  Edwin Kamau posted almost 4 years ago

Having a priority of things to do is crucial. Also, narrowing down to a small group is more easy to manage.

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  freda eyo posted almost 4 years ago

Using Social Media Platforms to Target and Retarget Customers is one of the best ways to get growth working

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  Jiffy Rando posted almost 4 years ago

I love how this is an up to date structure as suppose to a traditional one. It is not surprising though since we are digital now. Got to adapt I suppose.

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  David Tjoe posted almost 4 years ago

A business will not be successful unless it meets the various changes that have occurred in running the business. This growth strategy needs to be carried out under growing and developing business conditions, a very useful guide.

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  Maria Castillo posted almost 4 years ago

I had heard something about advertising on platforms and social networks but did not know how to implement it, I really liked the steps of the growth marketing framework, it was useful to read this blog. Thank you very much for the information.

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  Jakes posted almost 4 years ago

Am a beginners in marketing, and I have found this content so helpful. Am glad I came across your article.

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  Maina purple posted almost 4 years ago

Growth Marketing is all about the application of similar supporting structures, and these structures are what is called Growth Marketing Frameworks

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  David Mureithi posted almost 4 years ago

You have outlined the post very well. It is what happens for a successful business.

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  Susy R posted almost 4 years ago

I noticed that if a new product being marketed was successful and in accordance with consumer needs, then this situation would attract new competitors to enter the industry by making counterfeit products. I think this guide will be very useful especially with the many new competitors who are competing to produce the same item with little reliance on the advantages of their product.

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  timothy posted almost 4 years ago

This guide is timely for those that needs to adopt a marketing framework. They will be able to adopt

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  Emma Etim posted almost 4 years ago

People needs to go for a framework or strategy that is Beginners should play it safe and go for ideas that have less risk and comparatively higher returns.

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  Maury Cheskes posted almost 4 years ago

It's so vital to know the ins and outs of business innovation for growth and stability. Knowing the right channels, utilizing social media and especially identifying weaknesses and addressing them are huge steps forward for customer satisfaction. Getting feedback from Amura will definitely give beginner entrepreneurs a huge advantage.

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  Rose posted almost 4 years ago

Growth marketting requires creative ideas and good strategies. Thanks for sharing this guide to help people to develope those strategies.

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  Obasa Funmilola posted almost 4 years ago

My marketing skill was based locally before. But this, post has really shown me way to the good and benefiting route to growth in marketing.

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  mabel posted almost 4 years ago

one of the leading framework is Identifying Appropriate Channels Marketing ideas and strategies may involve several marketing channels.

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  AJ posted almost 4 years ago

I definitely agree. Going into business is always a risk that one would take, especially if the owner plans to stick with it and develop it gradually over time. A business owner should make smart decisions, and taking small steps towards that future success is an overall wise move.

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  Karl posted almost 4 years ago

I'm sure this guide will be a great direction for people who wants to understand and use digital marketting.

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  Vanessa posted almost 4 years ago

Very helpfull guide it's very detailed and clear.

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  Jerry Jeff posted almost 4 years ago

Every business needs growth framework These frameworks provide a step by step of how a particular idea or strategy has to be executed.

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  peterside posted almost 4 years ago

Marketing growth or hacking which is the is the process of developing and executing experiments and ideas designed to boost the growth of a company needs to be looked into by businesses.

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  Angela posted almost 4 years ago

companies need to know that the profit that a company or a business makes depends on the growth rate, and thus it becomes relatively essential for companies to look for leverage towards new tactics,

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  Oyeyipo Oladele posted almost 4 years ago

This is a good and helpful guider for all beginners in marketing. This post is pretty good and cool. I love it for real.

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  Alex posted almost 4 years ago

This is a very good guide for newbies. It is vital these days since we are all going digital. Marketing itself is never easy so a tutorial is a must. Thanks!!!

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