
How is Growth Marketing Different from Traditional Marketing?

Category : Growth Marketing Author : Team Amura Date Created: 06 Aug 2019

For years, traditional marketing has been the go-to approach for the entire advertising industry. Today, with the availability of multiple technology platforms, marketers can reach out to customers at any stage of the marketing funnel, create more value for their customers and hence, be more successful through growth marketing.

Traditional marketing involves a set strategy of brainstorming ideas, finalizing the communication copy and design, implementing call-to-actions, budgeting for ad spends, and so on. All these actions can be grouped under the traditional “set it and forget it” strategy. Traditional marketing helps build your market presence, get customers’ attention and see them to the top of the funnel. That’s about it!

Although getting leads is one of the main goals of marketing, an effective marketing strategy doesn’t stop at that. Growth marketing helps attract customers, keep them interested, and turn them into brand evangelists. Using techniques like content marketing and nurturing, customers are led further down the funnel and closer to a purchase. Using technology and data analysis, channels are constantly optimised for business results. And by correlating marketing data with real sales & retention, growth marketing works the long haul on customer lifetime value. The major strength of growth marketing is to nurture an ongoing relationship with the customers and increase their customer lifetime value.

Growth marketing is different in the sense that it doesn’t just focus on attracting your potential customers. Here are the ways that growth marketing differs from traditional marketing.

Traditional Marketing Vs Growth Marketing

Growth Marketing is Experimental

Traditional marketers focus on creating brand awareness and reputation through outbound marketing and reputation management. This takes time and a substantial marketing budget. Growth marketing focuses on constant experimentation with untested or unconventional solutions, which could lead to massive growth in a short time.

AirBnB went from being an unknown brand a few years ago to one of the world’s popular services by approaching people putting their ads on Craigslist to use AirBnB instead.

You need to:

  • Get creative
  • Use new tools and digital platforms
  • Don’t be afraid to fail

Growth Marketing is Consumer-centric

The core driving factors behind growth marketing are consumers. The main focus, on which the success of growth marketing rests, is offering value to customers. They should feel nurtured to the point that they’ll be more than happy to become your lifelong customers.

Dropbox’s growth story is a great example of consumer-centric marketing. You could invite your friend to install Dropbox, and both will get extra storage. So the customers are effectively turning themselves into a product distribution channel.

You need to:

  • Identify your audience’s unique needs
  • Position your brand as a solution
  • Offer value beyond your basic USP

Growth Marketing is Data-driven

Although growth marketers are ready to venture into unknown territories, their every move is calculated. They gain insights from the efforts that must be tested. Based on the results, those efforts can be fine-tuned or abandoned altogether.

Despite plenty of competition, Quora is the most popular question-answer website. It is because they had studied the behavior patterns of most-visited users and optimized their user experience.

You need to:

Data-driven Growth Marketing By Amura

Going Beyond Traditional Marketing

While traditional marketing brings potential customers into the funnel through awareness and acquisition, growth marketing approaches every tactical decision strategy first. Growth marketing helps a company scale quickly through a steadfast focus on growth in revenue & customer lifetime value across the whole funnel.

Being a growth marketing agency, our team of dedicated experts at Amura has been helping businesses grow since the past ten years. Our highly involved strategies cater to the entire funnel; we try newer hypotheses, put them to the test, and quickly zero in on what works.

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Comments (22)

  Sylvia posted about 4 years ago

Your write-up just made me a strong supporter of Growth marketing. I can't thank you enough for sharing this helpful knowledge.

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  Storm posted about 4 years ago

Traditional marketing did play its role well when we had limited ways in which we could access content. However, those days are long gone.

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  Anderson posted about 4 years ago

This article should serve as a wake up call to businesses still stubbornly stuck with traditional marketing. The point must be made that growth marketing is the future!

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  Shantel posted about 4 years ago

I can't see a clear advantage that traditional marketing has over growth marketing. Beats me why any company would stick with traditional marketing over the better growth marketing.

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  Louis posted about 4 years ago

The experimental nature of Growth marketing is without a doubt what makes it more effective. It tries out different methods and sticks with what works.

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  Teddy posted about 4 years ago

What a beautiful article on the clear distinction between tradition and growth marketing. It's a no brainer that growth marketing is miles ahead of traditional marketing.

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  Daphne posted about 4 years ago

The biggest contrast I can spot between the two is that traditional marketing is company-centric while growth marketing is consumer-centric. I am of the idea that consumer-centric is better.

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  Oliver posted about 4 years ago

I like how you used Quora to show the data driven nature of Growth marketing. You really drove the point home effectively.

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  Patricia posted about 4 years ago

Growth marketing helps a company scale up in a way that traditional marketing can never do. That is a huge advantage of growth marketing right there!

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  Meg W posted about 4 years ago

I don't think traditional marketing vs Growth marketing is a fair comparison. Growth marketing is just so much better in every imaginable way!

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  Roy posted about 4 years ago

Traditional marketing just doesn't cut it anymore with the sleuth of new technologies available to the masses. Growth marketing all the way!

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  Oyeyipo Oladele posted about 4 years ago

Whaooo, I live this write up to the core. Your have really exposed me. Thanks for this informative post.

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  Yule posted about 4 years ago

Though I used to like the traditional marketing but now I will go with growth marketing, since it is more experimental.

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  Wilson Jake posted about 4 years ago

Growth marketing is the future of the marketing business because data is mostly used now. I love how you explained this to us, thanks so much

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  Maury Cheskes posted about 4 years ago

Very informative article and important for the marketing field in this day and age. The same way you wouldn't build a house the same, marketing has definitely reinvented itself when it comes to data driven results. Really great that you listed digital tools, brand solutions and fearlessness in this line of work. These are key highlights for getting your foot in the door.

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  conrad pranze villas posted about 4 years ago

I am really happy that i get to learn this things for free. thank you so much.

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  Alex posted about 4 years ago

I guess it is now time to think outside of the box since conventional stuff is not working now!!! I am all for expermentation but for me, traditional marketing should not be ignored. It is a classic for a reason.

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  AJ posted about 4 years ago

Trying to survive in the current business climate is getting harder each day. Utilizing growth marketing strategies seem to be the best option to take in these very trying times.

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  Mahendra posted over 4 years ago

Nice article! Thanks for sharing.

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  Surya Reddy posted over 4 years ago

Wow it looks like digital marketing is evolving very fast. Thanks for the information

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  Ashok Jangid posted over 4 years ago

I have to agree! We can't use the same methods to expect new results. With technology and data analytics marketing has moved way ahead.

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  Suchita posted over 4 years ago

Interesting, but what is the actual process we should use for growth marketing?

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