
Adapting Your Digital Marketing Strategy to COVID 19

Category : Digital Marketing Author : Team Amura Date Created: 27 Mar 2020

It would be untrue to say the digital marketing landscape hasn't faced the impact of COVID-19 - no industry has been spared. While brands & companies struggle to streamline operations and deal with the impact on sales, campaigns are discontinued and online ad platforms face delays in go-live times due to reduced manpower. In the end, all businesses are powered by people and must take a step back, put people first and focus on coming out of this intact.

So while you’re not alone in putting your previously-planned digital marketing strategy on hiatus, there are small steps you can take to keep your brand recall and relevancy.

In the spirit of coming out of this intact, we’re sharing 5 small ways you can keep your brand going online (organically!) while you focus on the business repercussions of COVID-19.

  • 1. Publish content-

    Take this chance to create & publish a bulk of content, something we find so difficult to make time for in our day-to-day course of work. Work on blog posts, infographics, emails that will add value to your customers/clients, and keep updating it all on your social media profiles.

  • 2. Get in the spirit of goodwill and offer promotions-

    If your products/services can help people stay entertained/healthy/occupied/sane during this time of social distancing, offer a discount or some sort of promotion. Digital media is an easy way to communicate it and people will appreciate it long term.

  • 3. Bring the people of your brand front and centre-

    This is a time when empathy and relatability needs to be at its highest, when your audience and customers don’t want to hear from your company but wouldn’t mind hearing from you. Videos from leaders and employees work great, and if relevant to your brand, Facebook Live and Instagram Live make for great platforms.

  • 4. Try to harness User Generated Content (UGC) -

    Social media usage is sky high at the moment, and having users generate content relevant to your field is something that can create a distraction in times of isolation while keeping the brand conversation going. Suggestions: Contests, polls, video snippets around a common theme (that you can stitch together & publish), question & answer series, etc.

  • 5. Stay reachable and helpful -

    Respond promptly to users who reach out to you on social media and if you sell products of any kind, publish guides and answers to frequently asked questions to ensure customers can continue to use your products without a hitch (and without feeling like they have no one to reach out to if they can’t).

Highlights: 5 Ways to Keep Brand Engagement High (Organically) In The Era of COVID-19
Publish content
Offer promotions / discounts
Bring the people of your brand
front & centre
Try to harness User Generated
Content (UGC)
Stay reachable & helpful

Also don’t forget to re-evaluate any campaigns you may have had lined up, to ensure they’re still politically correct in this environment. Conversations, content and empathy are your friends at this time - it’s more important now than ever that you put people first, and we all focus on how we’ll pull out of this together.

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Comments (11)

  Vidisha RS posted about 3 years ago

awesome ! Thanks for sharing. I appreciate.

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  sunand chowdary posted over 3 years ago

I really enjoyed your blog while reading it. Thank you for sharing such valuable information.

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  Hiren posted over 3 years ago

Superb explanation & it's too clear to understand the concept as well, keep sharing admin with some updated information with right examples. Keep update more posts.

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  Michael Andersen posted over 3 years ago

"Stay reachable and helpful" I think this the main point that a client wants from the marketing agencies

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  Osad posted over 3 years ago

This was a very informative blog, I learned something new by reading it, hope you will give us more such information. Good luck, with your upcoming blog.

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  Front posted over 3 years ago

Good Post! Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post. Digital marketing is a method of marketing which help to boost your product in online. digital marketing agency offer to prompt this service.

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  Leo posted about 4 years ago

This is not the time to sell. It's time to bond with your customers and prospects emotionally. Well said.

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  Sonali posted about 4 years ago

It's a tough yet transformation period world over. Surprisingly, simple empathy and relatability are creating conversations. A hard sales pitch is not just getting neglected but trolled. This is the time to bond with your customers emotionally. Very well-written article and fully I agree with your views.

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  Gaurav posted about 4 years ago

The chances of digital marketing efforts gaining visibility are the best right now. These pointers are actually very helpful in that sense. Good read.

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  Mehek posted about 4 years ago

Thanks for the write-up. The things clustered here are actually great tips to follow during this time. As it’s rightly pointed out, whatever be the industry or sector, it’s important for businesses to remains agile and responsive with their messaging and marketing at present. Especially the way we speak to our customers and how we manage our brand image and digital social presence.

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  Prabhik Jain posted over 4 years ago

Please Share your corporate presentation and offerings

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